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Our Local Academy council


The role of Local Academy Councils

Local governance is delivered through Local Academy Councils.

The Trust Board has delegated specific governance oversight functions (through the Scheme of Delegation) to Local Academy Councils. 

Councils meet at least 4 times every academic year (September, December, March and July) and are focused on ensuring the academy’s School Development Plan and performance is progressing, they have a line of communication with the Trust Board through its sub-committees. The LAC are also kept informed of wider academy issues including safeguarding, finance, estates and policy compliance (where defined within the SDP).

Local Academy Councils perform a key role in ensuring that our academies are providing the best possible education for every child, year in, year out.

Each LAC consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Headteacher (or Headteacher), Parent Elected Councillors and Trust Appointed Councillors. 


Our Local Academy Council, their Business and Pecuniary Interests and Attendance at Meetings


website update lac attendance declaration of interests featherby infants juniors september 2023 to 14th october 2024 docx.pdf




Governance Guidance

Scheme of Delegation
Decision Matrix
Sample Job Description
Code of Conduct

Local Authority Council - Terms of Reference

Governance and Accountability

Maritime Academy Trust Diversity Indicators 


Contact Details:

C/O Chair of Local Authority Council, Chilham Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 6BT