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School Council

At the beginning of each academic year, Year 2 to Year 6 classes vote for their members of the School Council. Each person who would like to represent the class needs to put forward reasons why they should be the class representative. Once each candidate has had this opportunity, the children then vote for their representatives.

What we do?

We have regular Pupil Council Meetings where we decide on what needs addressing in the school. We then gain feed back from our classes and make action plans from the results.

What have we achieved?

We help the Headteacher with ideas to improve our school each year.
We decided on what new playground equipment was needed?
We have thought about how money from the PTA can help various activities in school and we have organised different events for the fund raising?
We also ran a colouring competition to raise money for equipment to help in class. 
We designed information leaflets that will help new children to our school settle in and be happy.

What are we doing next?

We are discussing what equipment we would like in the new wet play boxes, provided by PTA.
We are designing a poster/leaflet to tell children across the school how important it is to come to school everyday.