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Parent Voice

When we asked our parents/carers for their feedback about Featherby in November 2019, this is what they said:



  • Over 95% of parents/carers said their child was happy at Featherby 
  • Over 95% of parents/carers said their child felt safe at Featherby
  • Over 93% of parents/carers said they would recommend the school to another parent 
  • When asked about  raising concerns with the school, 90% said they felt their concerns had been dealt with properly


  • Over 90% of parents/carers felt that behaviour was good at Featherby
  • On the subject of bullying, the majority of families (over 80%) said their child had never been bullied. However, of the small number of respondents who said their child had been bullied, 83% of those said the school had dealt with it quickly and effectively 

Academic Progress

  • Over 94% of parents/carers felt their child does well at Featherby
  • 92% of parents/carers felt that the school made them aware of what their child would be learning during the year
  • Over 93% of our parents/carers of children with SEND needs felt that the school gave them the support they need to succeed
  • Over 82% of our parents/carers felt the school had high expectations for their child.
  • 89% of parents/carers felt the school let them know how their child is doing
  • 91% of parents/carers felt there was a good range of subjects available to their child


You spoke, we listen:  Since our parents/carers were asked their views in November 2019,  we wanted to improve the way we communicate what the children are learning and how better to support them at home. 

To that end, we improved the school website, which now provides both an overview of topics in the year groups as well as more detailed curriculum maps which can be found within:  https://www.featherby-jun.medway.sch.uk/Curriculum-Maps-19022019132217/  and  https://www.featherby-jun.medway.sch.uk/Classes-at-Featherby/

Additionally, parents of Reception children are invited in to school to take part in phonics lessons with their child in January 2020 and will receive further guidance about how we teach phonics to their child so they can support their learning.


Extra-Curricular Activities and Wider Development

  • 78% of our parents felt the school supported their child’s wider development
  • 75% of our parent/scarers felt that there were a good range of clubs and activities available to their child. 


You spoke, we listen:  We recognise that the lack of extra-curricular clubs has been affected by our introduction of wrap-around care during 2019.  It is something we are currently working on as we aim to offer a range of activities and experiences to every child and we will be providing more choice of activities in 2020. 


However high those figures are, we strive to reach 100% in all these measures and so we are continuing to learn from the comments, suggestions and ideas of our families.