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Infants - Pupil Premium Strategy 2020/21

Featherby's Goal

Our main objectives are for all children to achieve equally: to do as well academically and to thrive socially.  Different starting places do not determine end goals.  Expectations for all children – including Pupil Premium – are aspirational.  In order to ensure equality, we do not treat children the same. Impactful spending of Pupil Premium funding ensures all children meet their potential. We want all our children to compare favourably with national data. 

We develop the whole child by offering a holistic approach to teaching by developing curriculum key knowledge and skills balanced alongside everyday life and functional skills.  We believe these are crucial in developing resilience, confidence and life- long 21st Century learners. Our focus is on supporting self-esteem through problem solving; developing communication and social skills; building resilience through mistake making and learning from one another; the promotion of independence and instilling pride in our learning whilst sharing it with a range of audiences.  Exit Points and real-life learning experiences produce outcomes which the children are proud of and remember; parents and carers support and all skills are honed. Ultimately, when these are combined, it raises the aspiration in our community.  Our core values of unity, respect, honesty, resilience, responsibility and trust are at the heart of everything.



Featherby Infant School

Academic Year


Total PP budget


Date of most recent PP Review

September 2020

Total number of pupils


Number of pupils eligible for PP



Date for next internal review of this strategy

September 2021


Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)

       In-school barriers

        Data sources used to identify barriers to attainment in school include: Raise online, Arbour report, staff and pupil consultation and attendance records.


For a number of children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding, attendance is poor and valuable learning time is lost.


Emotional and social wellbeing. Lack of emotional stability for a high proportion of pupils affects progress and attainment.


Oral communication skills are poor for many children who enter foundation stage, especially for those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. This can slow early progress.


A lack of external exposure to rich and varied language and life experiences can prevent the development of English vocabulary and knowledge, especially for children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding, which then impacts on the progression they make in reading and writing.


Safeguarding and welfare issues which may lead to Children’s Services involvement.


Aspirations, self-belief and confidence – within the group of children eligible for pupil premium is low and therefore a need for them to believe that they can achieve and have high expectations of themselves is paramount.

   External barriers


Social disadvantage can manifest in limited aspirations, a lack of parental engagement and poor home learning environments. Children may not be exposed to rich and varied life experiences and this can put them at a disadvantage.

 Desired outcomes

How desired outcomes will be monitored and measured.

Success criteria


Increased attendance rates for all children and especially those eligible for Pupil Premium. 


Attendance records, weekly graphs, newsletters and updates, and assemblies.


The gap between the attendance of children who are in receipt of PP funding and those who are not in receipt of Pupil Premium funding will narrow.



Teaching, learning environments and the EYFS provision focuses on improving oral communication and language skills for all children and especially for those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.

Through observations, learning walks, targeted intervention, LSA training and staff CPD.

By the end of EYFS, pupils entitled to Pupil Premium reach (GLD) or exceed expectations in CLLD as a result of making rapid progress.


Increase in the progress and attainment of PP children in all areas, closing the gap between other groups.

Staff training to develop QFT, differentiated planning, targeted interventions, LSA support.

The gap between PP children and other groups in reading and writing will narrow.


Increased engagement in learning as a result of improved social and emotional well being.

Social skill groups, drawing and talking.

Thematic curriculum- staff training to deliver thematic approach to increase engagement of all pupils.

Children are active learners and well supported in their emotional wellbeing.


Accurate assessment and early interventions identify and successfully support vulnerable children and families to access learning successfully.

New assessment procedures track vulnerable children to identify where early intervention is needed, Teacher and LSA CPD,

Social, emotional or mental health issues are resolved or minimised and children and families feel supported to address issues so that learning takes place.


Children, especially those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, will develop secure learning behaviours and dispositions for learning that support them to make good progress.

Behaviour Logs, Learning Mentor records, Teacher, Parent and Pupil consultations, Assessment records, staff CPD.

Children will have learning behaviours that enable them to sustain independent learning and make better than expected progress to reach or exceed national expectations by the end of Year 6. There are fewer behavioural incidences recorded for these children.


Increased engagement and involvement of parents in education at Featherby.

Parent voice and questionnaires, Parent View, Parents Meetings, Curriculum outcomes, Open mornings/days.

Families value education and aspirations are raised.





Planned expenditure

Academic year


All our desired outcomes come under three headings- ‘Quality of teaching for all’, ‘Targeted Support’ and ‘Other Approaches’. This enables us to demonstrate how we are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and improve our whole school strategies

Desired outcome

Chosen Actions

Evidence and Rationale


Staff lead


All children receive first quality teaching.


Vulnerable groups of children receive targeted support.






Other Approaches


Additional support from speech and language therapist.

Children continue to be seen quicker for assessment and programmes can be started earlier. Trained LSAs to lead speech and language programs as well as Speech and Language therapist 1 day a week.



July 2021

Breakfast Club

We will continue to run a breakfast club with additional free places for pupil premium children, that helps to support the punctuality of these children and ensure they start the day fully fed.


Breakfast club lead

Admin manager

July 2021

Toe by Toe phonics intervention

The progress of PP children in Toe by Toe has shown a positive impact on overall attainment. Continue with this.



July 2021

Financial support for school trips; support for voluntary contributions.

This will enable more children to be able to access school trips. We will subsidise extra-curricular clubs to help widen the interest of children and give them new experiences.


Admin Manager

July 2021

Curriculum topics with aspirational exit outcomes.

We continued to have highly aspirational meaningful outcomes to learning through a cross curricular approach to learning.  We  included families and the local community in impressive outcomes which embed deeper learning and inspire children.



July 2021

Smaller group focus on narrowing the gap in Reading and Maths, TAs to support group work.

TAs will support smaller group work to help improve data in reading and writing to help close the gap between these and maths. TA’s to support groups in English lessons as well as during guided reading sessions.



July 2021

Staff training- to raise the focus on expectations for all children including vulnerable children.

Staff training with a focus on the thematic curriculum, how to ensure learning is spiralised and that cognitive strategies of spaced learning, interleaving and elaboration are threaded throughout.



July 2021

Assistant Psychologist working under the direction of Educational Psychologist.

To ensure that pupils who are PP and SEND are seen quicker and recommendations are able to be put in place at the earliest opportunity to support their access to the curriculum.



July 2021

Effective Maths

Effective maths will support the teaching of maths mastery across the school. Ensuring children understand the principles of number, place value, calculation and developing the fluency of maths into reasoning.


Maths lead


July 2021

Phonics tracker

Phonics tracker programme will be used to identify key gaps in phonic knowledge that will allow teachers and support staff to plan targeted lessons to close gaps.


Phonics lead

July 2021

My Concern

Staff will be able to log concerns about individual children on an electronic data base. This will enable DSL’s to ensure early help is offered to the most vulnerable families at the earliest possible opportunity.


Safeguarding team

July 2021

Learning Mentors

The school employs two learning mentors who work with children across the school. We have a high proportion of children with emotional needs and non-academic needs and these excellent members of staff will spend a lot of time ensuring that the children are able to get the help that they need.



Learning Mentors

July 2021


Curriculum resource books

Investment in high quality texts that support raising aspirations of children through texts that are representative of different cultures, genders, family types and promote equality of opportunity.


English lead

July 2021


Developing middle leaders and teachers understanding of pupil premium children and their roles to support and help raise progress and attainment.

Pupil Premium champion to work closely with teachers to analyse PP data and plan for these children. A HLTA to cover once a term to enable this to happen. Resources will be purchased to support.



July 2021

Total budgeted cost
