Casual / In Year Admissions to Featherby
Any parent can apply for a place for their child at any time to Featherby outside the normal admissions round. Should you wish to apply for a place at Featherby, you will need to complete and return a casual admission application form, available on Medway Council’s website: Medway In-Year Admissions. Alternatively you can pop in to see our friendly admin team and complete one in person, if that's easier.
Please contact us on: 01634 231984 or via to find out whether we have places in your child's year group.
If the number of preferences for an In-Year place within a group at Featherby exceeds the number of places available, places will be allocated under our Overscription Criteria which can be found here:
Maritime Schools Admissions Criteria
I can't thank Featherby enough for the support they have given my son who only started before Christmas and us as a whole family