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2017/18 Sports Premium - Impact

Review of Spend and Impact for Infant School in 2017/18

Area of focus



Next steps

J & C Academy Ltd. - Hiring

specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE.



Children’s enjoyment of PE has

increased. There is regular, high

quality teaching of PE. Teacher confidence has increased.


Develop specialist teaching within Featherby staffing structure using skills developed from specialist teachers. Sports leads to deliver sessions in Infant school.

To update school PE equipment


Children are given correct

equipment, which is appropriate

and safe for them to use.


Review audit of equipment. Continue maintenance in 2018-2019. Continue to develop resources needed for sports leads.

Development of teaching

skills. Focus: Gym training for




Staff are more knowledgeable on the teaching of gym and are able to teach progressive skills confidently.

Maintain CPD with PE, ensuring new staff are confident in all aspects.



Review of Spend and Impact for Junior School in 2017/18

Area of focus



To increase the engagement of all pupils in regular Physical Activity.

Play equipment out at break and lunch times.

Children engaging in a range of different activities at play times.

Organise a healthy living week to promote Healthy Lifestyles (week commencing 25.6.18)

Fizzy led by Sports coach before school day begins – SEN children with fine and gross motor difficulty



Increased pupil participation In sport Positive attitudes to health and well being. Improved pupil attitudes towards P.E. Registers for attendance. Visible improvement to coordination. Clear improvement in the children’s social skills

To raise the profile of PE and Sport across the school.



Whole school assembly delivered following Athlete-led exercise session. Raised attendance at after-school clubs. A higher variation of pupils attending Mini youth games, sports festivals and after school fixtures. Achievement assemblies to hand out certificates and medals for competitors.


To raise standards and pupil achievement in Gymnastics and dance

To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.


Increased pupil peer/ self-assessment in Gymnastics. New schemes of work are embedded in school practice.


Improved staff confidence and skills.


Lesson observations graded good or better.


Enhanced quality of delivery of activities.


Improved standards.


Enhanced quality of teaching and learning.


Promote 3 new sporting activities: Rock it ball, Y Ball, Kung Fu, through organising taster sessions, assemblies, attending festivals.


Year 5 to attend tennis coaching sessions with fully qualified coaches at Avenue Tennis Centre in terms 1 to 3.


Primary football league and Mini League for Years 4/5/6


Friday afternoon training in preparation for upcoming Mini Youth Games tournaments


Lunch time activities


Audit existing equipment and order new equipment to support delivery of P.E curriculum and sporting activities being offered.


Wider range of OSHL opportunities offered to the children.


Established links with:

Kung Fu Schools-Gillingham

Avenue Tennis Club


Increased pupil participation In sport.

Positive attitudes to health and well being.

Improved pupil attitudes towards P.E.

Clear talent pathways.

Increased school- community links


Progress in the league table

Competed in a competitive final at Chatham Town Football Club


Equipment being used in lessons and on the playground for lunchtimes


Equipment needed to deliver P.E curriculum and sporting activities is available